Our Classes

A classroom and a school as a whole can can have a positive or negative impact on a child with autism, ADHD or Dyslexia depending on the size and the overall atmosphere.

Bigger classrooms and bigger schools can often be challenging to such pupils due to the inevitable sensory overloading and distractions that come with them. 

Our classrooms have a maximum of 6 pupils per class. The aim is to minimise distraction, sensory overloading and allow teachers to provide more attention and support to each pupil.

Consideration of the correct learning environment for learners with autism, ADHD or Dyslexia includes careful choice of the colour scheme on walls and classroom decorations to avoid sensory overload, and so all the walls are painted in plain cream or white, and furniture are proportionate to the size of learners. Desks are individual and elevated on the sides to minimise distractions and encourage focus.

The classroom environment is highly structured and predictable, with clear and consistent routines for learning and other curricular activities, thus reducing the likelihood of increased levels of anxiety even when the children are moved from one classroom to another.